Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I have always had a bit of trouble making decisions...but THESE alive!! Its unbelievable! NO THEY ARE NOT PREGNANCY TESTS.......they are ovulation predictor sticks and they are so fickle. Here is the last few days of my experience with these jerks!!
Saturday - Negative
Sunday AM - Positive
Sunday (3 hours later)- Negative
Monday- Negative
Tuesday- Positive
Tuesday (8 hours later) - Negative
Wednesday- Postive

WHAT THE HECK!!!!! Honestly it is pretty hilarious! I can't believe it. At least I know this, I don't plan on wasting any more money on these bad boys! I will just have to try it out the old fashion know what I mean!!


  1. You're hilarious! But I'm glad that I've never had to try those. I hear that they are confusing! But the pregnancy tests can be worse. It's like reading Reformed Egyptian or something! You need interpreters!!

  2. You kill me Marybeth. Too funny! I wish those things would just straighten up and work right for you. That's so some serious money to just pee on and then huck in the garbage. :)

  3. I just found your blog and I love it! Infertility sucks and I am glad that there are talented people like yourself to write about it and help those of us who are suffering with infertility. Keep up the good work.

  4. Love all your posts! I came across your blog through the R House and I am adding it to my list (hope that's cool)! It's always good to read insights from fellow infertility survivors. :)
    Check out my infertility blog:
