As we have come to the realization that our infertility requires a little more aggression than we thought, we have been really busy and in many ways overwhelmed. I had 4 friends who were all going through this with me, obviously we all had different situations and so things would work out differently for each of us and in different ways.......Well I am happy to say that they are all pregnant and I am so excited for them!! Its been easy and hard all at the same time because I know they all have worked so hard and been through so much but hard because in ways I feel like I have been left behind and somewhat alone again. Yet I have realized I am not alone! There are so many others, and my turn to be a mother will come. Its hard to decide weather its "timing" according to Heavenly Father, or if its "figuring out my body and using modern technology" < which is what I feel it comes down to being a lot of! I feel like He leads us in the directions to make it happen, if its going to happen that way and if my babies are to come another way (adoption) then he will lead me down that path. For now I feel like its the medical path. I did have another miscarriage....again, it was sad, but at the same time more hope and maybe more answers that ....A) I can get pregnant and B) The big question....why aren't my babies sticking....we are addressing that one now. I'll keep ya posted. Who knows maybe I have gotten pregnant every month but just can't get my superglue in the right place!! Just a few scattered thoughts! But for those of you still reading.....I'm still here, and I'm still learning and growing!
You have such a good attitude. I hope you are doing well. I miss our chats during prep :)