Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fail, Fail, Fail and Crash.

Ok, to answer your questions Yes I have received similar papers before. Nice huh? Although the failing grades I have received are what you can is the update. (And the print in this case should say See Specialist)

Thursday- Fail aka Not Pregnant
Monday- Fail aka Not Pregnant
Wednesday- Fail aka Not Pregnant
yet still no RED ALERT! (Thats what my friends and I would say in High School if one of us leaked.....I always that too much information?)

HILARIOUS SIDE NOTE: After using the Thursday pregnancy test, I woke up on Sunday and thought....hmmm I wonder if you can re-use a negative pregnancy test and it will tell you its positive since its a different result. I gave it a try. NOPE, STILL NEGATIVE. My husband came in and said, "Did you just pee on that again?" with a very confused look on his face. Hehe, you try a lot of things when you are infertile! Gotta Love it!

friend offered me one of her pregnancy tests so Monday after FHE I asked her if I could take her up on the offer, I went over to her house and she gave me 3!!! I was like whoa I don't need this many, she replied, "yeah you do, besides I get them in bulk off ebay....real cheap!" She is hilarious! Loved it! I considered telling her they were faulty....I guess it was just wishful thinking.

Oh and the Crash Mac crashed....figures right! So I have a loaner! Lets just hope they can save everything off of it.....I had a lot of good stuff on there!

But things were better when I got an email from this amazing, amazing individual. She just made my day!! If you haven't read her blog, get addicted! She is hilarious and just amazing!

Please tell me someone has peed on a pregnancy test twice?? Anyone??haha


  1. I've never used one twice. But like I said, it's because I buy them in bulk on eBay! I should probably blog about it now.

  2. Hey I don't mind if you link my blog to yours. I hope you don't mind that I added yours to mine! ;-)
    You can by pregnancy tests in bulk? Wow I better check this out.
